What is The WGW Directory?
Utilize this directory to meet other women, collaborate, find guest for podcasts, speakers or to find someone to hire. The WILD DIRECTORY registrants have been vetted for excellence and integrity.
The WGW Network directory is a place to get away from the noise of social media and connect 1 on 1 with fellow wild women. We want our members to directly collaborate and support each others businesses. The directory is full of trusted women who share the same goals and values as us, a place where instead of comments and likes, we value messages and collaborations. We hope you enjoy and use the directory for all we know it can be! #StayWild
Our mission is to support our incredible community and their networks in celebrating and expanding the pursuit of meaningful work and an authentic life.
We ask your for a profile picture, professional title, contact information, hi-res images, videos, WhatsApp, Email, current projects you’re working on, future projects you have in the pipeline, and we would like you to include your preferred method of collaboration. We want your profile to be your own personal business board for other members to get excited about what you do and collaborate.
We will complete your new directory profile in 7-10 days (We will always try for sooner)
We want to cut out the noise of modern social media and get back to meaningful connections. The WGW Directory is a place where connections are pure and thought out, personal and genuine. We want the directory to be a safe place for our members to support each others projects.