Michale Gabriel is a Parent’s Choice award-winning performer, international best-selling author, subject of an award-winning PBS documentary, star of a Soviet produced film series on storytelling where she earned the title of Russia’s “American Fairy Godmother” and founder/CEO of Story by Design. She is a story shaper, inspirational keynote speaker, leadership consultant, storytelling mentor/coach, and workshop facilitator who helps her clients access and communicate their stories for impact.
Michale is a Parent’s Choice award-winning storyteller and contributing author to the “Chicken Soup to Inspire the Body and Soul” series, The Healing Heart and the author of Using Children’s Literature, Storytelling, Writing, Drama, and Art to Enhance Your Classroom Program. She is the founder of the Storytelling Residency Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital, The Tell Me A Story program for rural Alaska, Young Storytellers for Peace US/USSR Exchange, Teachers for Peace US/USSR Exchange and Storytell International.