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About The Co-Author
Jodi Vetterl
Jodi Vetterl is an international speaker and best-selling author of Beyond the Banks: Success Strategies in Real Estate as a Private Lender. She created Beyond the Banks Academy, an 8-week guided transformational program that helps individuals with building wealth by utilizing the concepts and strategies from her book.
Jodi has a 20-year career in high-tech software sales working at Fortune 500 companies, and has won multiple sales achievement awards; closed 7-digit deals, and enjoyed several President’s Club trips around the world. Desiring financial independence from Corporate America, Jodi spent the last 17 years building up a real estate portfolio in both the US & Canada as a passive investor utilizing a variety of strategies. As a result, Jodi was able to retire from Corporate America in her mid-40’s and fulfill her passions around writing, speaking, consulting & helping others achieve financial success.
Additionally, Jodi was able to successfully raise over 6-figures to help fund her book, course, and business by establishing premium partners to collaborate within mutually beneficial relationships. From the success of this marketing strategy, she has designed an 8-week program that guides authors & entrepreneurs in raising the funds required to grow and prosper their businesses. The program is called Beyond the Book.
Jodi is passionate about supporting other women who are transitioning from corporate & co-developed a Facebook group called The Hive Fempreneurs Collective: From Worker Bee to Queen Bee. The group is all about designing, building, and monetizing your Hive. Jodi became a first-time Mom in her mid-40’s and enjoys the precious moments in life with her young son helping him with kidpreneur projects and giving back to organizations such as the Vancouver Food Bank, Ocean’s Ambassadors Canada, Médecins Sans Frontières, WarChild Canada, Vancouver Children’s Hospital and other organizations that are dear to her. She enjoys educating others with the resources and knowledge that have helped her create financial success and a heartfelt life balance.
You can learn more about Jodi at Real Estate Investing for Passive Income
Inside of Women Gone Wild, Ondi's chapter is entitled (INSERT TITLE) and goes in depth on (CHAPTER TOPIC)

Diana von Welanetz Wentworth
For over 3 decades, Diana von Welanetz Wentworth has been the Founder and Program Director of the Inside Edge which was designed to inspire the next generation of thought leaders at a weekly breakfast forum in Southern California that helped launch the careers of many of the most celebrated authors and speakers of our day like Jack Canfield, Barbara De Angelis, John Gray, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Louise Hay and many others at the start of their careers.
Diana is the author of several best-selling and award-winning books like Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook: 101 Stories with Recipes from the Heart, Send Me Someone: A True Story of Love Here and Hereafter, The Von Welanetz Guide to Ethnic Ingredients: How to Buy and Prepare More Than 1,000 Foods from Around the World, The Pleasure of Your Company and the co-author of two Chicken Soup for the Soul titles. Her book Send Me Someone: A True Story of Love Here and Hereafter had the rights for being purchased by the Lifetime Network and The Pleasure of Your Company was the recipient of the Cookbook of the Year award. She is also certified life coach who specializes in reinvention. Diana has done everything from hosting her own tv show to being an international keynote speaker at women’s meetings, writers conferences, and on cruise ships. She is a certified life coach who specializes in reinvention.